Heluhelu & Mele Library
Read and sing along with Kumu Maile as she takes you through her favorite books. Reading and singing in 'ōlelo Hawai'i is one of the best ways to help with learning pronunciation and vocabulary.
Kohala Kuamoʻo (ʻŌlelo) by Kekauleleanae'ole Kawai'ae'a
Kohala Kuamoʻo (English) by Kekauleleanae'ole Kawai'ae'a
Aia He Kāheka - There's a Tide Pool (ʻŌlelo)
Aia He Kāheka - There's a Tide Pool (English)
Naupaka (ʻŌlelo) by Nona Beamer and Caren Loebel-Fried
Naupaka (English) by Nona Beamer by Nona Beamer and Caren Loebel-Fried
ʻO Kelekolio ka Manini Liʻiliʻi - Kelekolio the Small Manini (ʻŌlelo) by Lilinoe Andrews, art by Maile Kaai
ʻO Kelekolio ka Manini Liʻiliʻi - Kelekolio the Small Manini (English) by Lilinoe Andrews, art by Maile Kaai
Nā Keiki ʻElima - The Five Keiki (ʻŌlelo) by William Wilson, art by Lilinoe Andrews
Nā Keiki ʻElima - The Five Keiki (English) by William Wilson, art by Lilinoe Andrews
Nā Makana a Nā Iʻa - The Fish and Their Gifts (ʻŌlelo) by Joshua Kaiponohea Stender
Nā Makana a Nā Iʻa - The Fish and Their Gifts (English) by Joshua Kaiponohea Stender and Alexa Mokukea Bate
ʻEha Koʻu ʻŌpū - My ʻŌpū Hurts (ʻŌlelo) by Kaʻōhua Lucas, art by Boots Lupenui
ʻEha Koʻu ʻŌpū - My ʻŌpū Hurts (English) by Kaʻōhua Lucas, art by Boots Lupenui
Hoʻomālamalama (ʻŌlelo) by Kimo Armitage & Keliʻi Kiʻilehua
Hoʻomālamalama (English) by Kimo Armitage & Keliʻi Kiʻilehua
He Iʻa Wau - I am a Creature of the Tides (ʻŌlelo) by Kynaston Kaikā Lindsey, art by the students of Kanu o ka ʻĀina
He Iʻa Wau - I am a Creature of the Tides (English)
Ma Koʻu Lūʻau - At my Lūʻau (ʻŌlelo) by Kaʻōhua Lucas, art by Boots Lupenui
Ma Koʻu Lūʻau - At my Lūʻau (English) by Kaʻōhua Lucas, art by Boots Lupenui
Ka Pana Pā Hale - Backyard Jam (ʻŌlelo) by Kaʻōhua Lucas, art by Boots Lupenui
Ka Pana Pā Hale - Backyard Jam (English) by Kaʻōhua Lucas, art by Boots Lupenui
I Kahakai - At the Beach (ʻŌlelo) by Kaʻōhua Lucas, art by Boots Lupenui
I Kahakai - At the Beach (English) by Kaʻōhua Lucas, art by Boots Lupenui
Ka Hulu Kohukohu - Animal Sounds in Hawaiian Language (ʻŌlelo) by Kimo Armitage & Lilia Wahinemaikaʻi Hale
Ka Hulu Kohukohu - Animal Sounds in Hawaiian Language (English) by Kimo Armitage & Lilia Wahinemaikaʻi Hale
Nou Kēia - Is this Yours? (ʻŌlelo) by Kaʻōhua Lucas, art by Harinani Orme
Nou Kēia - Is this Yours? (English) by Kaʻōhua Lucas, art by Harinani Orme
Pua Polū - The Pretty Blue Hawaiian Flower (ʻŌlelo) by Nona Beamer, art by Caren Keala Loebel-Fried
Pua Polū - The Pretty Blue Hawaiian Flower (English) by Nona Beamer, art by Caren Keala Loebel-Fried
Pele the Fire Goddess (Part I) by Dietrich Varez and Pua Kanaka'ole Kanahele
Pele the Fire Goddess (Part II) by Dietrich Varez and Pua Kanaka'ole Kanahele
Ke Ahiahi Mamua O Kalikimaka - Twas The Night Before Christmas - in Hawaiʻi by Valjeanne Budar, Barbara Ewald, et al.
ʻOhana Means Family by Ilima Loomis
Where Are You From? by Yamile Saied Méndez and Jaime Kim
ʻOpihi Baby by J Lovins
Laukaʻieʻie by Robin Yoko Racoma
We are Water Protectors by Carole Lindstrom and Michaela Goade
The Giving Tree by Shel Silverstein
Hiʻiaka Battles the Wind by Gabrielle Ahuli'i, art by Jing Jing Tsong
On the Day You Were Born by Debra Frasier